by Amministratore Nethics | Dec 12, 2023 | Progetti, Progetti in evidenza
ROYAL PAPYRUS PROJECTS The ” Turin King List” or “Royal Papyrus“, one of the most important manuscripts within the Turin collection, was acquired by Consul Bernardino Drovetti around 1820. The project, funded thanks to the generous support of Gli Scarabei,...
by Amministratore Nethics | Dec 11, 2023 | Progetti, Progetti in evidenza
The Coffin Gallery PROJECTS Gli Scarabei contributed to the creation of the “Coffin Gallery”, one of the most fascinating locations in the new Egyptian Museum. Also known as the “Galleria de Gli Scarabei” in honor of the precious support the museum has received from...
by Amministratore Nethics | Dec 10, 2023 | Progetti, Progetti in evidenza
THE TOMBOF KHA PROJECTS The tomb of the architect Kha and his wife Merit is one of the very few examples of a tomb which was still intact when found; it also one of the most important groups of artifacts in the Egyptian Museum’s collections. Gli Scarabei supported the...
by Amministratore Nethics | Dec 9, 2023 | Progetti
KHA’S BOOK OF THE DEAD PROJECTS Kha’s Book of the Dead, 13.80 meters long and containing 33 formulas, is a papyrus scroll meant to guide the architect and his wife Merit on their journey into the Afterlife. Thanks to an allocation of 25,000 Euros, the papyrus was...
by Amministratore Nethics | Dec 8, 2023 | Progetti
GEBELEIN CLOTH PROJECTS Gli Scarabei financed the restoration of the Gebelein cloth, believed to be the world’s oldest painted fabric. It was discovered in 1930 during Giulio Farina’s excavation and the existing fragments, divided into four panels, depict scenes of a...
by Amministratore Nethics | Dec 7, 2023 | Progetti
THE STELA OF RAMOSE PROJECTS The stela of Ramose is part of a large collection which, thanks to restoration funded by Gli Scarabei, can once again be admired by the public in all its splendor. The artifact is divided into two registers: in the upper portion, in the...
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